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Work life balance 2

I recently listened to ‘The Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett’ interviewing Daniel Priestley an award-winning serial entrepreneur. Stephen asked is work life balance a thing. Daniel’s answer was interesting … if I can paraphrase, people who argue for a work life balance have got there after a eureka moment following working too much to the point of burn out. I tend to agree, earlier in my career I was that employee working 12-to-15-hour days ... I enjoyed the job and long hours for the first five years, after that less so but the habit was there. My way out was to move but it took me 9 years! My work life balance is now much improved … I have also learned to say no! Steven Bartlett interviews Daniel Priestley - The Money Making Expert: The Exact Formula For Turning $100 Into $100k Per Month! 10x Your Income Without Working Harder! The Waiting List Hack That Will Make You Millions!

Blogging is work too!

I am writing this at quarter to seven on a Sunday evening when I would normally be chilling so it may seem a bit rushed. Firstly, the dollar challenge. I sent a message to family members, and a few friends last weekend. Six people in total. I used the script in the book to request the dollar: Hey [first name] I’m reading this book Million Dollar Weekend, and they told me I need to get $1 from someone. You’re the first person I thought of, and it would mean a lot to have your support. Can you send me $1 right now? [Your name] Everyone responded either that evening, or the following morning. I received five positive responses and one negative response. So pretty good response rate for family and friends … So, what did I learn? 1.     I pressed the send button with some trepidation, even when asking family and friends  2.  Asking for a $1 when living in the UK is going to cause confusion … 3.   May have received a few envelopes with dolla...

Million Dollar Weekend

This weekend I have spent some time reading the ''Million Dollar Weekend'' by Noah Kagan with Tahl Raz, ... ''the suprisingly simple way to launch a 7 figure business in 48 hours''.  Step 1 is to ask someone I know for a dollar investment ... so heading to Whatsapp and Twitter X to ask the question of family, friends and contacts in that order. See what happens next week ...

Work life balance

 ... pause for thought!  How do you divide your time between work, chilling and play / having fun! Are they separate parts of your day or do they overlap?  Ok, lets break down a typical twenty-four hours …  Work                              8 hours  Sleep                               8 hours  Time remaining           8 hours  Total hours                  24 hours  So, assuming we have completed our days’ work and slept well we have eight hours remaining to chill and play.  How do you choose to spend these eight hours? What constitutes as chilling / relaxing for you? Would you meditate? … or spend time watching TV, reading, playing computer games for eight hours …? Perhaps you can do more th...

Easter 10km run

First 10k in a while ... Ran my first 10km since 31st December 2021 and it totally exhausted me! I thought it would be easier to go from zero to 10km than it actually turned out to be as go to gym, and my relative fitness level is good 'but got a shock!' Lesson learned,  work up to 10km by running a couple of shorter distances, (5km perhaps .. )   Uphill run ... Apart from having to spend the rest of day and the following morning recovering run went well! Sounds courtesy of Bose Sound Sport headphones connected to iphone. I wore a Mycarbon running belt with water bottle holder for hydration.  Onwards and upwards ...  

What is 'WOCHAY' ?

WOCHAY is the name of a UK registered trademark. The name derives from a amalgam of work, chill and play, three essential elements for an active and fufilled life ... At the time of creation (June 2020) it was also meant to symbolise balance in how to proceed in life.  My hope is WOCHAY as a brand concept will grow and evolve.  At present the writer is looking for suitable products related to WOCHAY ...